Sunday, July 5, 2009

Take off!

Hello Everyone!

I'm officially at the gate in Dallas, and the voices are calling for boarding over the intercom. It seems pretty surreal that I'm embarking on this adventure, and I have no idea what I'm about to learn, see, and experience on this pilgrimage. I'll be spending the night in Rome Monday night (such an inconvenience, right?) before I charge ahead to Damascus!

I gotta go! But I love you all, and ask your prayers of safe travel. Now, to the airplane (where a pretty girl changed my seat to an aisle!). I'm gonna watch a lot of movies. Then sit around in Amsterdam for a while!

Grace and PEACE!


  1. Robert, i hope you have a fantastic time! Don't worry about anything. You are a personable young man and will meet tons of new people with many interesting lives! They will enjoy getting to know you too! I can't wait to hear about the adventures of "you"!

  2. Robert, by nowI am sure you are winging your way towards Rome. Hope you have a safe flight and enjoy your brief layover there. Hopefully you will get to see a few new sites, and enjoy the local cuisine. Looking forward to hearing all about yoor amazing journey. Take plenty of pictures!!! Have a great time!!!

    God bless and protect you
    ارك الله لك وحمايتها


  3. Thinking of you Ribbitt . I love you. Be safe.

  4. It's early here, 6:30, quite and peaceful. Hopefully your catching a few sites in Rome before heading off to Damascus. I am so excited about your journey, the amazing places you will visits, sites you will see, and people you will meet. I can hardly wait to see pictures!! Hope your first night in Rome was great.

    God bless and safe travels
    بارك الله الآمنة ويسافر
    Dios los bendiga y viaja seguro
